Bar Shimron Presents:

Achive Your Destiny

How to become a parent coach who lives in full fulfillment and earns 20,000 ILS from three hours of work a day from your home

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In the live broadcast, we will reveal the 6 secrets to a thriving parent coach earning between 10,000-20,000 ILS per month

If we haven’t met yet...

Nice to meet you, Bar Shimron, a psychodrama therapist, senior parent coach, and couples counselor.

I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in psychodrama, with specialization in a psychiatric hospital. About six years ago, I founded the Empowering Platform Center – a treatment and training center in therapy and parent coaching.

The “Empowering Platform Center” is recognized as a home for skilled parent coaches who not only fulfill their destiny and help dozens of families but also do so with awareness of their personal economy – with ongoing business guidance provided by the center.

Currently, I personally supervise our main team of instructors and lecturers and continue to enable hundreds of families to live in harmony at home without guilt, fears, and resentments

Why should this interest you?

I am super excited to tell you that I’ve opened the option
to register for my training to also bring you to the revolution in parent coaching,
to succeed in combining home with your successful career,
fulfill your destiny, and allow you to help whole families live powerfully.

In just 4 months of learning!

Sounds too good to be true?

I understand you, but if you still have a seed of hope to realize your potential anew, to bring you to the forefront and success, maybe your answer is just a click away.
Register here to join the live training.

Meet the Students Who Realized Their Destiny...

Yael came to learn parent coaching after wanting to undergo a significant process at home and subsequently help other families. Today, she lives in fulfillment with 7 families every month, earning 17,500 ILS


Here is what she said:

“Bar, last weeks are simply amazing now, I want to thank you for opening my eyes and making me realize that no matter how much I study, until I do something practical, I will remain selfish and not share my knowledge with the world. It’s just a waste. Thank you for allowing all the learning in recent years to turn into fulfillment. I learned in the course to believe in myself, went through an amazing process, acquired tools that helped in so many of my cases and close families, and now – I am already on my 7th family. They truly choose me, and I am in my purpose and mission – thanks to you. So, thank you. Yael.”

Irit came to learn parent coaching after being a therapist for 20 years and wanted to expand her tools,
including business tools. Today, she earns 16,000 ILS thanks to a structured process and practical tools
to bring about change in families

Here is what she said :

“Bar dear, I wanted to tell you how happy I am that I started learning with you at the business content. My monthly income is 16,000 ILS and I have returned the investment in multiple thanks to the course. I received from you not only tools that make a difference in parent coaching and your method but also business guidance that is deep and really fit to my needs. For more beautiful months like these. Thank you, Irit.”

Liora came as an emotional therapist for 10 years, charging 250 ILS per treatment.
After receiving tools and becoming a parent coach,
she integrated the coaching into her therapy processes and moved to a track of 4,000 ILS per client
(she has already surpassed 30,000 ILS)


Here is what she said:

“Blessed Angel Bar, Thank you and your team for the empowering tools you provided me to become a better therapist, with practical tools to help parents! The things you taught me are not taught in any academic institution, they are all essential and practical tools for our daily work. And yes, some of it does require the treatments, and of course the framework you provide for working with families. My mind was opened to areas I never thought of. It’s not an easy task to ascend this mountain, but with your guidance and method, I managed to be full of fulfillment in my work with families. The knowledge that we have as therapists is worth a lot – but with your guidance, I managed to be full of fulfillment in my work with families. Thank you, We’ll meet in your next courses, right? What’s next? Thank you for everything and for the continuous guidance.”

Chen Keshti came as a mother of 2 little ones, a teacher, and an educator in school, not ready to leave teaching because she feels a mission there, so she creates additional income in between at suitable times

Maybe you also want to stop advising friends in the garden, start helping families live powerfully, and accumulate success stories with the method of Bama Maatzima?

Just like Leah – Coral’s mother.


She came to us after a divorce, when Coral had a clear difficulty in social skills, and after 4 weeks reported a completely new child who has won her! And that the environment has already noticed the change

Karen’s story, Shira’s mother

Within 5 weeks, she brought Shira to talk about emotions instead of acting them out with violence and aggression

Karen’s story, Shira’s mother

*It’s an another Karen 🙂

Karen came after Shira had anxieties, within five weeks described a new atmosphere at home!


Maybe you’d like to make an amazing success video like we did with Triana

who came because she saw that her child was frustrated and couldn’t integrate into society

Come and gather your toolbox that will help you realize yourself, help parents fall in love with their child again,
and experience an amazing change

“Bar is amazing!!! Thank you for making me fall in love again with my passions. You opened a new world of communication for us, which brings the connection between us is so good that there are no words to describe it. Continue on your path because your professionalism at all levels and everything just shows who you are. Love you always. Love you.”

“Hi Bar, First of all, thank you for the feedback. Indeed, I feel that I am learning and in addition, I have tools that work clearly for me since the beginning of the path and I still have a lot to learn and mainly to practice this until it comes easily and without thinking too much. I really enjoy the process and the daily feedback itself works really well for me. So thank you!!!”

Behind the Scenes Peek at the Study Group

From the Press

Yavne Local Newspaper
Yavne City Magazine
The Rotchild

More families who made the change sharing their stories about the method that will transform you into the best parent coach you can be.

“I couldn’t believe that *** herself told me she feels emotionally change so the process began with great success and I managed to get her on a different path.. Of course, there’s still a lot to learn, this is just the beginning. “

Our Feedback: 5 out of the 5 days we’ve worked together!
There is more emotional work to do to strengthen her socially and to check that we are not creating a desired situation because she is truly a chosen child! But… I am really happy with the results so far, and I see that she is so and so is ready to advance to further results.. Definitely worth it! 🙂 …

“To Bar the amazing and her wonderful team:
to everyone who doubted, so did I.
I came with zero strength to start after a stormy phone call with Bar who took everything off my heart. We started an amazing process and I received tools to deal with any situation, totally worth it! I highly recommend everyone in the world to try. I have recovered my child ❤️

Here’s What Women Who Have Already Become Parent Coaches and Families Say:

Daniel (35), Einat (40), and Chen (31) who experienced life-changing learning and greatly benefited their families and lives:


“I was looking for professional training in the field of parent coaching, and when I met Bar, I decided to go for it. I opened myself up in ways I didn’t know existed. I continued only because I realized how much more was left to learn, understand, and absorb. I allow myself to learn about myself, about what I can do, and it was just amazing. The best thing that happened is that I allowed myself to change my life, and… I’m already 40.”


“After my husband told me, ‘Stop trying to help everyone for free, make it a business’, I met Bar, I joined the course and within four months of learning I gained the confidence to help others. I find it very convenient to combine my family life with my job, and to be able to work in what I love, and to run my home with dignity, without financial pressure in the big pandemic period.”


“I joined the course after having Bar team helping my family. I I’ve decided to quit being a lawyer for my dreams – To help other parents make their life easier with their kids. Within four months, I managed to reach a monthly income of 16,000 ILS. I’m achieving my dreams and my destiny.
Thanks to the amazing team of Bama Maatzima”

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